100% vegan, 100% organsko, ne sadrži pesticide, parabene i alkohol. Preporučamo: za njegu problematične, zrele i opuštene kože, pogodno za kućne ljubimce.
Drvna smola stabla Croton lechleri poznata je pod nazivom Zmajeva krv. Bogat je izvor plavog biljnog pigmenta proantocijanidin, jednog od najsnažnijih poznatih antioksidanta. Znanstvena istraživanja ukazuju na intenzivnu regeneraciju i sintezu kolagena, pri čemu se ističu dva aktivna sastojka: taspin i lignan. Smola ujedno sadrži fitokemikalije antivirusnog i antibakterijskog djelovanja.
Out of stockBuriti hladno prešano ulje za njegu kože dobiveno iz voćnog ploda tropske palme Mauritia flexuosa. Karakterizira ga jarko narančasta boja koja ukazuje na bogatstvo β-karotena, čak pet puta više od mrkve. Karotenoidi štite kožu od foto-oštećenja i starenja kože, te naglašavaju brončanu preplanulost. To čini Buriti najtraženijim bronzing uljem u ljetnim mjesecima.
100% vegan, 100% organsko, ne sadrži pesticide, parabene i alkohol. Primjena: za blijedu, suhu i umornu kožu podložnu boranju, ulje za sunčanje, dnevna njega kože.
Akcija!Prehrambeno ulje Sacha Inchi dobiveno je hladnim prešanjem prženih sjemenki biljke Plukenetia Volubilis. Ovaj jedinstven biljni izvor omega-3 pogodan je za vegetarijance, vegane i osobe starije životne dobi. Laganog je okusa koji blago podsjeća na zeleno povrće i arome oraha, a najčešće se koristi kao dodatak gotovim jelima i smoothie pripravcima. Sacha Inchi ulje ujedno sadrži i antioksidanse: vitamin A (0,63 mg) i vitamin E (17 mg).
100% vegan, 100% organsko, ne sadrži aditive i konzervanse. Preporučujemo: dodatak jelima i smoothie pripravcima, doprinosi uravnoteženoj prehrani
The resin of the Croton lechleri tree is known as the Sangre de Dragon, or Dragon’s Blood. When the tree bark is damaged, the resin closes the crack, giving the impression that the tree is bleeding. Resin stimulates contraction of wounds, helps in the formation of a crust/scab at the wound site, regenerates skin more rapidly and keeps skin protected from various microorganisms. The secret is in the extraordinary capacity to assist in the formation of new collagen and proanthocyanidins abundance.
Out of stockUlje za sunčanje i održavanje preplanulosti Buriti & Magnolia dobiveno je iz voćnog ploda tropske palme buriti i ploda badema, obogaćeno ljetnim mirisom magnolije. Ovaj jedinstveni spoj Mediterana i Amazone karakterizira jarko narančasta boja koja ukazuje na bogatstvo β-karotena, a badem daje ulju lakoću bez masnih tragova na koži. Cijela formula obogaćena je dugotrajnim mirisom magnolije koji NASHE proizvode čini prepoznatljivim na plaži i ulje Buriti & Magnolia čini najtraženijim bronzing uljem u ljetnim mjesecima.
100% vegan, 100% organsko, ne sadrži pesticide, parabene i alkohol. Primjena: ulje za sunčanje i održavanje preplanulosti
Akcija!Sacha inchi su tostirani oraščići podrijetlom iz planinske regije rijeke Amazone. Često se nazivaju Inka orah prema svojoj važnosti u prehrani drevne civilizacije Inka, ili lažni kikiriki kojem samo vizualno nalikuju. Sacha Inchi oraščić bogat je izvor Omega 3 masnih kiselina koja doprinosi održavanju visoke razine energije kroz dan i normalne količine kolesterola u krvi. Zbog svojih nutritivnih značajki, idealni su za vegansku prehranu, sportaše i sve one u potrazi za kvalietnim i hranjivim međuobrokom na poslu.
100% vegan, 100% organsko, ne sadrži aditive i konzervanse. Preporučujemo: dodatak jelima i smoothie pripravcima, doprinosi uravnoteženoj prehrani
Out of stockKrema za svakodnevnu njegu zrele i suhe kože lica, vrata i dekoltea. Krema Sol Aureus sadrži prirodne sastojke koji u sinergiji povoljno djeluju na vitalnost kože: hijaluronska kiselina, ekstrakt i eterično ulje smilja, ulje pulpe pasjeg trna, skvalan iz masline te smola zmajeve krvi, koja poboljšava tonus kože. Krema ima ugodnu teksturu i na koži ostavlja fini, baršunasti osjećaj. Nanosi se noću, kako bi obnovila i nahranila kožu. Krema ne sadrži dodatne parabene, palmino ulje, boje ni sintetske mirise.
Out of stockBuriti oil is a cold-pressed fruit oil of the tropical palm tree Mauritia flexuosa. The oil is characterized by a bright orange color which indicates the richness of β-carotene. Carotenes protect the skin from photo-damage, emphasizes bronze tan, eliminates the influence of free radicals that cause skin damage and aging. Therefore, it is primarily used in sunscreens. It is an interesting fact that Amazonian women appreciate buriti for its high content of phytoestrogens.
Akcija!Extra Virgin Sacha Inchi oil, better known as Inca nut oil, is cold-pressed oil obtained from the roasted seeds of Plukenentia volubilis. Sacha inchi oil is distinguished by its high content of pleasant, nutty flavors:46% Omega-3 and 33% Omega-6. The vegetable source of essential fatty acids is suitable for vegetarians, vegans, athletes and older adults. The oil contains a favourable ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6, therefore contributing to a balanced diet. Compared to other oils containing α-linolenic acid (Omega 3), it is significantly more stable with an expiration date of 18 months.
Out of stockSunscreen and tanning oil Buriti & Magnolia is made from the fruit of the tropical palm buriti and almonds, enriched with the summer scent of magnolia. This unique blend of the Mediterranean and the Amazon is characterized by a bright orange color that indicates richness β-carotene [/ fusion_popover], and almond gives the oil lightness without leaving oil marks on the skin. The formula is enriched with a long-lasting magnolia scent that makes NASHE products recognizable on the beach which makes Buriti & Magnolia the most popular bronzing oil in the summer months.
100% vegan. 100% organic. No pesticide, paraben and alcohol. Use: sunscreen and tanning oil
Out of stockUngurahua cold pressed oil is obtained from the berries of the tropical palm tree Oenocarpus bataua. Despite the purple color of the fruit, the carefully filtered oil reveals its bright yellow color. Ungurahua oil is distinguished by its extremely high content of vitamin E 170 mg / 100 g, which makes this oil a powerful antioxidant. Like other vitamins, vitamin E is an essential substance because it cannot be produced by the body itself. From the vitamin E group, the most prevalent form is tokoferol making this cold-pressed oil ideal for skin and hair care.Product is currently out of stock. The Ungurahua harvest is from February to June. Do you want us to let you know when it arrives?
Out of stockCopaiba is a resin of tropical plant Copaifera Officialis. It is characterized by a viscosity, that has clear pale yellow to golden color, and a very intense but pleasant aroma. Like any resin, it becomes sticky due to drying. Copaiba resin is famous because of its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.Product is currently out of stock. Procurement according to expressed interest. Are you interested in this product?