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MAYANTU nisu samo lijepo zapakirane boce ulja već cjelokupan projekt zaštite okoliša, tradicionalnih običaja, očuvanje kulture te naposljetku promoviranje međunarodne suradnje između lokalnih zajednica u Peruu i Hrvatskoj.

Prvo put na engleskom jeziku! Dođite i saznajte više 20.2. U YIHR hubu u Zagrebu.

After a short break, our “Kava S” event is again on the way to impress you guys with new awesome creatives of this world.

So, WHO’s our February’s speaker?

Ana Borovic – Biologist, graduate in Environmental Sciences.
After receiving her degree at the Faculty of Science in Zagreb, Ana joined a fair-trade development program for local food in South America. During 3 years she has been managing numerous wild harvest projects in Peru with a goal in launching local production and development through innovations for the cosmetics industry in Europe. Today she is the proud to be an owner of the Croatian company for research and development in the natural sciences by brand name Mayantu. She seeks to overcome administrative obstacles in order to bring products from the local Amazon communities to the European Union market, thereby supporting globally projects to protect Earth’s lungs.


On Thursday, February 20th, come to the YIHR. Hub-a


There you’re going to find out the numerous tips on how to work, eat, move and live as a local in the Amazon rainforest region. Some exotic information about the life on the South American continent, different sorts of projects, initiatives for volunteering Ana would like to present to the Croatian population, and thereby, encourage people to venture to explore the beauties of the Earth, support local communities and use the experience gained upon the return to Croatia.


If you would like to participate in the Coffee Talk & Surviving in the Amazona you can register until 15.02. by mail: oceanznanja.applications@gmail.com.
In the mail, provide your name, surname, cell phone number.

The event is organized by Elizabeta, a volunteer at Ocean Knowledge within the framework of the project “YOU are the EU”. The project is funded by the Agency for the Mobility and EU Programs as part of the European Solidarity Corpse program.

See you on the 20th 🙂